MongoQuest is a free chance to test your knowledge of MongoDB and your retention of the content in the MongoDB for Jobseekers book.

It features 50 interview like questions, each with a possible response. Save notes about your thoughts, mark a question as answered, study a possible response.
There are three levels of questions, each level the questions get a little more difficult, can you answer them all?
How it was built
In the book, Chapter 17 explains how the app was built, using React and MongoDB and Atlas Cloud Services.
Get the code
You can find the source code at
Example Documents
"_id": {
"$oid": "64192b927b7fbb7150674789"
"level": 3,
"question": "What is the role of a secondary node in a replica set?",
"response": {
"short": "The role of a secondary node is to maintain a copy of the primary's data, and if configured to so, vote in elections to elect a new primary and take over a primary, if elected. ",
"reference": {
"chapter": 12,
"section": "Replica Sets"
User Custom Data
"_id": {
"$oid": "64261226c505cc56eb9g71ca"
"user_id": "64261225c505cc56eb9g71b1",
"name": "",
"questions": {
"saved": [
"id": { "$oid": "641f8afe7b7fbb71506747b5" },
"note": "they are different"
"id": { "$oid": "64192b927b7fbb7150674783" },
"note": "carefully."
"answered": [
{ "$oid": "64192b927b7fbb7150674781" },
{ "$oid": "6426617095833023ecf6f30c" },
{ "$oid": "64192b927b7fbb7150674783" }